
Sunday, November 21, 2010

New Minecraft Update

Hey gang- sorry for being MIA for a day or so. Got a lot of work to do before the Thanksgiving holiday. :(

So I want to talk today about the newest update. One of the biggest additions was the support of Custom Texture Packs.

A lot of the updates are intended to running the multiplayer smoother- which I can confirm, as one of the servers I play on is working a lot better, especially the mincarts and boats.

Notch also added an option for no-animals, which I guess can be useful, especially now that I can have the option not to have pigs knock me down into my shaft and kill me.

These guys on the other hand...


  1. Good to hear that the gameplay is smoother and there's less lag. What server do you play on?

  2. Sound like minecraft is running smoother :). Nice update they added custom texture packs :D

  3. He looks like a combo of the guy from the dire straits album mixed with Conan.

  4. I must admit that I have no clue what this is.

  5. I gotta admit, he looks rather menacing with that sword.

  6. good post, i like reading stuff about minecraft even tough i do't play it myself, it relaxes me.

  7. Don't worry about it man. And cool little update :)

  8. Looks like a mixture of a zombie and a crawler LOL!

  9. oh cool thanks for telling me, i have no idea what that think looks like.

  10. Yeah, he's an interesting fellow.

    @Zoy - My friends and I have a private server we keep on campus. (Gotta have something to do while procrastinating grad school homework)

  11. It's not a skin - well it can be used as one - but its a Zombie Pigman- a very dangerous enemy mob.
